Individualized Attention, Manual Therapy And Corrective Exercise Techniques Restore Mobility And Mechanics.

We specialize in enhancing performance, preventing injury and post-operative rehabilitation.  A complete biomechanical approach restores imbalances and normalizes movement dysfunction. 

We are trained in many of the latest assessment, treatment, and manual therapy techniques, including:

  • Graston Technique - Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization

  • Kineoseotaping

  • Trigger point release and neuromuscular techniques

  • Muscle energy techniques

  • Soft tissue massage and fascial release

  • Joint mobilization and spinal manipulation

You will always be working with a Physical Therapist so there is constant feedback and assessment happening at each session.  AMPT does not use Physical Therapy Assistants or Aides.  AMPT prides itself on the ability to have ongoing assessments at each visit as this improves performance and outcomes. 

Active Motion Physical Therapy Services

Pilates Rehabilitation

Pilates Rehabilitation enhances an awareness of core and helps build postural strength and stability.  The core is the foundation for all movement.  Pilates equipment can provide assistance or resistance depending on the objective of the exercise.  This specialized equipment allows for an effective and unique way to retrain faulty movement patterns. 


Our staff is specially trained in orthopedic physical therapy. With the use of evidence-based therapy that combines hands-on treatment, and corrective exercise.  Our goal is to get patients pain-free and back to their normal lifestyles as quickly as possible.

Back and Neck Pain

The majority of people experience some degree of back and neck pain in their lives. It can be temporary pain but in many cases, it becomes chronic. Living with pain and restricted movement seriously impacts quality of life.

Physical therapy has been found to be effective in the treatment back and neck pain, and in preventing its recurrence.  In many cases, pain that is addressed early can be eliminated and long-term problems and surgery can be avoided with treatment.

Sports Injuries

AMPT specializes in dynamic strengthening to ensure successful return to sport.  Effective courses of treatment include agility, plyometrics, eccentric and proprioceptive training.  Sports specific injuries, such as acl, golfer’s shoulder, tennis elbow, and runner’s knee are just some of the many injuries seen in our clinic.

Upper and Lower Extremities

The functioning of upper and lower limbs is enhanced with customized programs of physical therapy. Through a combination of corrective exercise, manual therapy and education,  restoration of mobility, strength and functional ability are achieved.

Workplace Injuries

AMPT will work with your physician and worker’s compensation to deliver a program that will lead to your recovery from workplace injuries.  And, if necessary, a graduated return to the workplace. Ergonomic assessment and simulated work place activities are incorporated into the plan of care.   


The whole body approach at AMPT includes encouraging patients to participate fully in their own recovery with the assistance of specially prescribed corrective exercise and home exercise programs.

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Early access to physical therapy care ensures complete recovery following motor vehicle accidents. 

Performing Arts Medicine

The majority of injuries that performing artists experience are overuse injuries occurring as a result of repetitive mechanics in classes, rehearsals, and performances. Physical therapy can address a dancers’ weaknesses in strength, flexibility, and stability to improve these imbalances and return the dancer to optimal performance level in less time than simply resting an injury. Pointe assessments prior to obtaining pointe shoes are beneficial to objectively look at dancers’ strengths and weaknesses and build a conditioning program that addresses the demands of dancing en pointe. Injury risk screenings can be beneficial to help dancers assess what imbalances they have heading into a school year or performance season that could result in an injury when overstressed.

Manual Therapy

At AMPT we use hands-on techniques such as mobilization and manipulation to decrease pain and improve movement. Combined with exercise, manual techniques are most effective in restoring mechanics. 

Pre and Post Surgical Care

Physical therapy is effective before and after surgery to reduce recovery time.

Post-surgical physical therapy will return you to active living as quickly as possible. In cases such as total joint replacement, rotator cuff repair or knee arthroscopy, physical therapy restores strength, mobility, and improved level of function.

Chronic Pain

Nothing impacts quality of life more than persistent pain. Physical therapy is  effective for conditions such as chronic headaches and arthritis.

Graston Technique - Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization

Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) is an effective treatment to reduce pain and restrictions of tissues within the body. IASTM works by triggering an inflammatory healing response for various problems, including adhesions and scars. It shortens healing time and frequently reduces the need to take anti-inflammatory medicine.

Gait Analysis / Running Analysis

Gait analysis is accomplished under the watchful eye of a trained physical therapist.  This analysis allows for assessment of faulty lower extremity mechanics that contribute to pain or dysfunction.  Incorporating gait analysis into treatment allows restoration of pain free and often more efficient movement, especially in running specific sports.


The body’s natural healing process is enhanced with the support and stability of kinesiotaping for muscles and joints.  Taping provides input to your system to organize movement and encourage proper mechanics.  Kinesiotaping is latex free and can be worn for several days without harmful effects.